Monday, October 29, 2018

Mission Week 44, Yopal Week 9, "Doubt not, but Be Believing."

Lots of miracles passed by this week.

Our investigator Carlos Cardenas accepted a date to be baptized on the 10th of November. You can see that he's ready. He's been coming to church for a straight month now. He comes to church so excited to learn. He told me that this is where he wants to be. I love to see that in people! He has lots of things to worry about right now since he's trying to start up a business and take care of his family. Nevertheless he has so much faith and continues to come to church each Sunday because he can feel it in his heart that this is the true church of God.

We had intercambios this week and I was with Elder McKay. He's from Utah and being trained right now. Towards the end of the day we saw so many miracles. We had a lesson with a lady named Norma Bustos. She is 30 years old and has attended church a few times now. Norma has a many doubts about the church. Starting with all of the "rules" that we have. We explained to her that all of these things are commandments of God and that we have the choice to obey them and receive blessings or Disobey them and not enjoy the blessings. She still wasn't very convinced. we decided to move the subject over to the Book of Mormon. We testified to her that if she reads and prays to know if the Book of Mormon is true that she will come to know that these commandments that we have been given are there to bless us. She calmly responded and told us that she would". I'm excited to see how it went! I was amazed to see how rapidly she calmed down after we gave her the tool to find answers to all of her questions. The gospel is simple. We shouldn't ever complicate things, because that's how the Gospel of Jesus Christ is meant to be! Your testimony can be a few words, but having the spirit with you to testify of those words is enough to convert thousands of souls unto the Lord.

Later that night we had another teaching appointment with a lady named Diana. She has been attending our English classes that offer during the week. We were able to teach her about the Book of Mormon and she had a lot of questions and doubts about it. When we walked into that appointment it felt as if she was trying to ask questions to prove the Book of Mormon wrong and to find a fault in the Book. She was also concerned that it didn't talk about the Virgin Mary. (Everyone we run into out here is Catholic...) One by one we were able to answer every single question she had. After each question, you could see her starting to relax little by little. It was a really cool lesson. At the end we invited her to read the Book of Mormon and ask God in prayer if it's true. She must of liked the lesson because she invited us to come back again. Doctrine and Covenants 100:5 was definitely fulfilled in that lesson. This is the Lords Work.

I read a scripture that I really liked today. It's in Mormon 9:21;27 HAVE FAITH DOUBTING NOTHING.

Have a great week! I love y'all!
Elder Horton 

Monday, October 22, 2018

Mission Week 43, Yopal Week 8, "Baptism amongst Training a New Missionary."

This week was great! On Saturday we had the baptism of Felipe! It was amazing. I had the opportunity to perform the ordinance of baptism. He was confirmed the next day by the President of the Branch.

We have another baptismal date set for a señor named Yolman. He is getting his papers all ready to be able to get married. We hope to see him baptized this next week (27th of October). He's a really great guy. Yolman has been investigating the church for a really long while now. He's finally taking that step to enter into the covenant of Baptism. Funny thing with him is that he's got a bunch of responsibilities in the church (Not callings), and he's not even a member yet haha. He plans cool service projects, parties, and activities for the Branch.

Elder Ramos is learning Spanish so dang fast. It may not be that different of a language, but he's got it pretty much down in a matter of 2 weeks! The gift of tongues is real. We've been working hard finding new people to teach. The people out here are always willing to listen. We just recently found a house with about 15 people living there. Before we left we gave the parents living there a card with the image of Jesus Christ as he's walking out of the Tomb. There were about 10 kids that ran up to us in the house and they all wanted a card too haha. The people here are very friendly.

President Nelson went to Lima, Peru this week. We were able to hear him speak at Lima. They broadcasted the conference to the countries Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia. He talked about what it means to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. He shared with us in 3 Nephi what it really means to preach his Gospel. President Nelson explained to us that preaching the Gospel is focusing on the Atonement of Jesus Christ and inviting others to follow the example of Jesus Christ. He urged us to study 3 Nephi 11-30. That's what I will be studying all next week.

It rains so dang hard here! It also just appears out of nowhere. We'll be walking in the street with the sun out shining and then 15 minuted later it's pouring. I love to walk around in the rain out here since it just cools you off from all the heat. Lightning is always going off in the sky. It's really a sweet view because you can see the Lighting bolts shooting out from the sky!

I keep eating weird things out here. I've never eaten armadillo in my life. That was something new and actually pretty dang good. I've also heard that people eat iguanas and turtles out here. Those are the next two plates on my list!

Love you all!
Elder Horton

The Cruz Family (Ward Member Family)

Baptism of Felipe with his Family

Monday, October 15, 2018

Mission Week 42, Yopal Week 7, "My Son (Elder Ramos) is a Great Missionary."

My new chino came today! His name is Elder Ramos. He turned out not to be gringo. HE´S FROM BRAZIL. He's a really cool dude. The guy is 23 years old (My son lol). He was baptized into the church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints three years ago. The man is pure Portuguese. Elder Ramos is learning Spanish right now, but since it's so similar he's getting it down really fast. It feels strange helping a Brazilian learn Spanish haha. He's taught me a few phrases in Portuguese too!

1. eu so de California! (I am from California) and
2. Muito obrigado (Thank you very much!) and
3. Estoy aprendiendo como falar portuguese (I'm learning how to speak Portuguese)

He loves to sing hymns in Portuguese in the house too haha. You better believe that I'm going to learn a lot of hymns in Portuguese.

One of our baptismal dates fell through because Carlos Aranda is on vacations with his 13 year old son and won't be coming back until next week. So we will have to move his baptismal date up.
We were able to confirm and set up a baptismal date for Felipe this week on Saturday! He is one of our investigators that we've been teaching for a while. Felipe is 14 years old with a burning testimony. He wants to be a missionary one day!

"My son" (Elder Ramos) is a great missionary. He has the desire to share the gospel with everyone that we pass by in the streets! I'm having a blast out here with my Chino!

Love you all!
Elder Horton

My Chino! Elder Ramos (Standing next to me)

Happy 13th Birthday to Cristian. Investigator from the Pedroza Family 

All the 6 Missionaries in Yopal and Felipe! (Felipe is in the light blue shirt next to me) 

Monday, October 8, 2018

Mission Week 41, Yopal Week 6, "I'm Going to be a Trainer!"

This General Conference was amazing! President Nelson is truly a Prophet of God. I could just imagine everyone jumping for joy when they heard church was only 2 hours now haha.

This week we had transfers and my companion Elder Pumacondor is going to be leaving for Bogotà to be a zone-leader, AND I'm going to be training!! I'm going to be training a Gringo (North American) I'm so hyped. He will be arriving to Yopal this Thursday. Keep in mind that I'm living in a house with 4 other missionaries. We're all Gringos now! 4 North Americans living out here in Yopal, we'll see how that goes!

We were able to set a baptismal date for a man named Carlos Cardanas. He showed up to church about three Sundays ago. He's been increasing his knowledge in the gospel as he has set ONE hour to study from the Book of Mormon each day. This man is very organized. He's trying to start up a business so for now he's got time! This 20th of October we hope to see him be baptized.

Something that was mentions a lot this conference was taking upon us the name of Christ. When we take his name upon us we promise to follow him. We also promise to help others to come unto him. Remember who you are representing as a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day-Saints.

Have a fantastic week!

Love,  Elder Horton

Monday, October 1, 2018

Mission Week 40, Yopal Week 5, "The Great Apostasy is key to helping people understand the need for a Restoration."

Yopal is a pretty dang cool city. It's filled with iguanas, freaky/huge bugs that I've never seen before in my life, and this little Bambi that we found in an investigators house!
Little Bambi

This little girl is called "Niña". She was trying to eat my ear while I was trying to take a picture.
Bambi lives at our investigators home

I've been studying a lot about the Great Apostasy Lately, because everyone out here is always telling us "I've got God, go teach those guys over there who don't know God". I get so mad when they say that. I'm just like, you don't have the entire truth! Its right here in my hands!! (Book of Mormon). Read it and find out for yourselves! Maybe i gotta learn how to approach it better, but I'm still learning haha. It's hard to see people reject something so perfect. I just want to open their hearts/minds and help them Understand!

The Great Apostasy is key to helping people understand the need for a Restoration. Throughout the New testament, the Apostles are always preaching about a time when God's authority wouldn't be here with us on the earth. My favorite scripture is in Amos 8:11-12. This scripture talks of the hunger and thirst people will have for the word of God. They will run wild to all sides of the world looking for it, but will not find it. Now I don't get what people from the other religions think when they hear that. They all prophesied of an Apostasy, and a restoration! I know that Joseph Smith truly was called of God and that he restored the Church of Jesus Christ to the earth through the direction of God Himself. 4 things were restored, 1. Prophets, 2. Apostles, 3. Priesthood keys, and 4. Revelation.The way to know if Joseph Smith truly did all these things is by exercising a little faith to read, ponder, pray if the Book of Mormon is true!

I read a pretty neat parable about this too. It's in Matthew chapter 13 verses 6 to 43.

One of the families that we are teaching (The Murillo family) has been progressing a lot lately. The family consists of Nelson (father), Joahna (Mother), Felipe (Son), and Diego (Son). They have been having some trouble with the word Charity lately. Each time we visit them, we start by singing a Hymn to invite the spirit. Joahna actually was reading through the hymns and found hymn number 190 that she really likes. In Spanish it reads "Hay un Hogar Eterno" or, "There is an Eternal Home". This Sunday we fasted with them. That was a really spiritual moment to have the entire family there kneeling and asking our father in Heaven to help them grow closer as a family. This was there first fast ever! They did great too! We came back the next day and taught them about the word of wisdom. They all have a little problem with drinking coffee. We were able to commit them all to keep the WOW. The last obstacle is to get them married.

Love you all! 
Elder Horton

We saw the biggest Iguana! It looks like a little dinosaur