Monday, August 26, 2019

Mission Week 87, Fontana Week 10, "President Nelson Visits Bogota, Columbia!"

Great things happened this week!

The Lords always there to lift you up even when things seem hard in the moment. Miracles always end up occurring everyday.

We didn't have too much success finding new investigators, but we did find Julio Mendoza. Last week we had contacted Julio in his house. We had set up a teaching appointment, but it fell through. This week we felt we should go back and find a couple of the people that we had previously talked to during the last week. Julio happened to be one of them. We knocked on his door and he let us in right then and there. As we were talking with him, he expressed with us that he felt that he had met us before, like we were some old friends. He told us that he knows that God guided us to him. That was pretty cool! We taught about the Restoration. He came with us to stake conference this week as well. He was a miracle this week.

President Russell M. Nelson came to Colombia this Sunday. That had to of been the coolest devotional that I've been to in my life! We went to an arena here that's called Movistar Arena. It has the capacity to hold more than 10,000 people. There were about 12,000 members that came! It looked like a session of General Conference in Utah haha! What Made it even better is when President Russell M. Nelson got up to give his talk, he told his translator to sit down, and he give his entire talk in Spanish! I was amazed. I've never heard him speak Spanish before! He talked about Salvation and Exaltation. It was something similar to what he had shared in this last general conference.

Sister Nelson also addressed us. I loved what she taught. She told us that "We don't have time to do things that aren't important". She also restated a phrase from her Husband, "repentance is not an event, it's a process." We need to focus now more than ever on the things that matter most each day. Although we aren't perfect, accepting the atonement in our lives helps us to change. As we accept the atonement our love for the Savior will grow, as our love for the Savior grows, we will have the desire in our hearts to keep the commandments of God. As we keep the commandments of God we are repenting and changing. Everyday we need to become better and better. Something that's helped me a lot in my mission is having the mentality of always getting better instead of I always mess up, or I can't do it.

Elder Quinten L. Cook was also there! He shared some verses that I shared with you guys last week!! I was super hyped about that. He focused on following the counsels that Alma gives to his three sons. He finished with Alma 42:29! I know that the spirit guided me to those scriptures! They changed my way of thinking about my calling, and responsibilities. (Alma 42:29-31)

I know that we're in the last days. We need to prepare ourselves now. I know that President Russell M. Nelson is the Lord's prophet here on the earth to guide us. I gained a great testimony this week of the gift of Repentance. I know that forgiveness is given to all of those who with a Broken heart and a contrite spirit come unto Christ and accept his Atonement in their lives.

Love you guys!
Elder Horton

Monday, August 19, 2019

Mission Week 86, Fontana Week 9, "Repentance is a gift from God"

As I read in Alma 42 versus 29 to 31 I reflected a lot on how I can become a better man and disciple of Jesus Christ. I want to focus on verse 30. Many times in my life I found that I tried to make excuses for past sins that I have committed. I know that I'm far from perfect. This scripture helped me to feel that no matter what you've done in your life. God loves you so much. I know sometimes it might be really hard to change or maybe sins that you wanted to just throw into a box burry it and never remember them again. But repentance will help you to change and more importantly be happy! Instead of keeping things inside, follow the council of Alma and let the justice, and mercy of God completely dominate your heart, and let this humble you to the dust. Our sins are what restrict us from progressing, it tears you down, and starts to wear you out.

As I read in the scriptures I find so many answers to what I need to do in my life. God has guided me as I sincerely pray to him asking for his help, and as I study his words. Repentance is a gift from God that permits us to feel his love every single day. He's always cheering us on. He wants us to make it back to him. He did it because he loves us. No impure thing can dwell in the presence of God 1 Nephi 10 21 and 22. I love the great plan of Happiness that God has prepared for us.

Love you all, 
Elder Horton

Monday, August 12, 2019

Mission Week 85, Fontana Week 8, "Help the Missionaries"

Black Eye...P-Day!
This week was GREAT. First things first. Since we can't play soccer anymore we decided to play ultimate frisbee. I got hit in the face with a frisbee and I got a black eye. That hurt.

One experience that we had working with a member family was this Sunday. We shared a short message with them about missionary work. Then we asked for names of a couple of their neighbors and we prayed from them. After the prayer we felt that we should go with the Olaya Family and start knocking on a couple of these neighbors doors. The goal was to set a date to have a family night with some of their neighbors. Most of the doors that we knocked on said that they couldn't or that they were busy, but we were able to knock on one door and we meet Leonardo. He was holding his little baby named Martin in his arms. He accepted our invitation. This Sunday we were able to have a family night with Leonardo, his son Andres, and his little baby Martin. We taught them about the Restoration and gifted them with a Book of Mormon. Leonardo loved the family night and learned a lot about the gospel. He now wants to keep receiving us and wants us to teach his wife and daughter. Thanks to the Olaya family we were able to start teaching a Beautiful family. The moral of this spiritual experience is help the missionaries! Introduce them to your neighbors right then and there! The Work Progresses faster and faster as the members are involved!

My District, playing Ultimate Frisbee
Getting a great lunch!
Yes...that's ALL MINE!

Monday, August 5, 2019

Mission Week 84, Fontana Week 7, "I'm in a Trio!"

Im in a trio! My new companion's name is Elder Manning. He's American from New Mexico. For the time being Elder Lopez will be with us as well. His mission is Ecuador Guayaquil North mission, but for now he's going to be with us because he's waiting for his Visa.

We saw a lot of Miracles this week. Our investigators are progressing!

Some funny experiences from the week! We were contacting knocking on doors and the very first door we knock on a lady answers. She listened to us, but said that she was really busy and couldn't receive us right then. So we set up another time to go back and visit her. I held out my hand to give her a handshake and she reached into her purse and pulled out some money and tried to give it to me! That's the first time that's ever happened in my mission haha! Another experience! We were knocking on some doors and an older man answered and told us to come in right then and there. We went in, sat down, and he told us, Look, I'm going to be Frank with you guys, there's only one God. Every religion talks about the same God. He looked really mad. Then he stood up opened his door and told us to get out. It was really weird.

We didn't have any food in our house this week nor gas. I forgot to pay the gas bill...haha! We had to eat bread everyday. I feel like I'm getting super skinny! But we keep working hard each day here. In the next coming weeks we're going to see a lot of success! I love to work in the Lord's cause!

Love you all!
Elder Horton

Sr. Elder Horton sharing advice to Jr. Elder Horton
Elder Horton (Bolivia) talking to Elder Horton (Columbia)