Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Mission Week 83, Fontana Week 6, "Changing the way you think will bring success."

So Transfer news came in this week! I'll be staying here in Fontana as the District Leader. My new companion is from the USA! His name's Elder Manning from New Mexico.  I'll send y'all pics next week.

I love to contact. It's becoming fun for me. The people here are very fun to talk to. They always think I'm from Spain or Brazil. I guess I don't look like a Gringo! When I start talking though they get my accent right off the bat...But we're working on that.

I Love having optimism! Changing the way you think will bring success. For example, for missionaries we talk with a lot of people in one day. With each person you approach there's always thoughts that will start rushing through your head. You might have a little anxiety, doubts could go through your head that they won't accept your message. The most important thing that you can have is a good attitude. I laughed as I thought about that. It doesn't make sense to think negatively. What is the point in thinking you can't, or I'm going to fail. Those feeling hold you back from achieving goals in this life. Change the no's to YES! or YES I can do it! As you think positively I promise you that you'll be happier and have more energy to accomplish things.

Just think Positively! Have a great week!

Elder Horton

Monday, July 22, 2019

Mission Week 82, Fontana Week 5, "she asked us when we could program a date so that they can be baptized!"

This Sunday Laura (Investigator) ran up to me and had a huge smile on her face. She said that she wants to get baptized! We also were able to talk with Alma (Her mom) after the meetings and she asked us when we could program a date so that they can be baptized! So that was pretty awesome! They have been progressing super fast.

The week sort of blew by!

Have a great week!
Elder Horton

MILLONARIOS (Pro Soccer team from Colombia)

Monday, July 15, 2019

Mission Week 81, Fontana Week 4, "Agency is a gift that God has given..."

Agency is a gift that God has given to man to be able to learn and progress in this life. I've been thinking a lot about that this week. I've learned that I need to think more before I make decisions. Something that we must always ask ourselves is, "Will this help in my progression in becoming more like my Heavenly Father?" That is after all why we are here. For example, one day there was a young man that was too lazy to get up to go to seminary. What are the affects of not going to seminary? What are the blessings that this young man is losing? The knowledge that he is missing out on? Maybe later that day he could've applied that day's class to give counsel to a friend going through a hard time. Maybe he could've shared a comment in class that would've helped the life of one of his classmates with doubts.

Many doors are shut and many blessings are lost when we don't make the right decisions (Whether they be blessings in your life, or you being the instrument to bless the lives of others). But we don't realize it. If we truly realized all of the wonderful many blessings (Whether they be blessings in our lives or blessings of peace and joy that came from being able to bless the life of someone else) that come pouring into our lives as we study the scriptures, do our daily prayers, go to church each Sunday, attend seminary and institute classes, and much more, I know we would discipline ourselves much more, and fulfill with what the Lord has commanded us. We must learn how to become Agents and choose the RIGHT decisions in our lives that will help us progress to our Celestial goal. I would invite all of us to think about what we are doing right now in our lives, and to ask "Am I on the path to reach my celestial goal?" Learn to master the decisions you take and don't let the natural man take over. 

"A submissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father." - Mosiah 3:19

Love you all!!

-Elder Horton  

Monday, July 8, 2019

Mission Week 80, Fontana Week 3, "we need to see our investigators in white..."

This week was our zone conference with our Mission President. Something that I loved from the conference was focusing on recent converts. There are a lot of recent converts that go less-active quickly. Our Mission President told us that we need to see our investigators in white, but not just standing in the baptismal font, but in the temple being sealed for time and all eternity. That should always be our goal, because after all that is the purpose for why we are here preaching this gospel!

During the zone conference Sister Valladares (President's wife) reminded me about my Birthday. She gave me a bag full of candy!

During the week we looked for old teaching records in our area book, and we came across Emy Hernandez. She seems pretty cool. Her brother Xavier also was able to listen to us. He's in the Army though and had to travel. I love finding people that are really receptive in our area book. It's full of names of people that had been listening to the missionaries. Sometimes it doesn't have the reason why the missionaries stopped teaching a certain person. Those are the people that I love to look for. Emy simply told us that the missionaries hadn't passed by for a long time. This Sunday she's made plans to come to church with us.

On Sunday we had a lesson with Alma Martinez and her daughter Laura. They are ready to be baptized, but they want to be as ready as ready can be. We haven't been able to put a baptismal date simply because we can't meet with them very often. They only have time on Sunday's. This Sunday, they asked us a whole bunch of questions. They asked what a Family night was, they also asked for a Come-Follow me Booklet so they can start studying it! They are so engaged when they came to church each Sunday. They love to participate during the classes.

Brazil and Peru played in the championship game for the American world Cup. Peru ended up losing 1-3. My companion was bummed out big time. Elder Moya is a huge soccer fan.

Other than that I learned how to make a new Dessert called Arroz con leche. In English it's Rice Pudding!

Hope that your weeks are as wonderful as you!

-Elder Horton

Monday, July 1, 2019

Mission Week 79, Fontana Week 2, " just gotta put your head down, focus up and start trudging up that mountain."

I had the chance to participate in the MTC activity this week. Each time a new group comes into the MTC here in Colombia, the missionaries get the chance to know the missionary life. They split up amongst us missionaries here in the field for one day and we gave them a little taste of the life of a missionary. The two missionaries that came with me were Elder Reque from Bolivia and Elder Alvarado from Ecuador. They both worked really hard throughout the day. It was funny to see how they acted being outside for the first time preaching the gospel. They were like WOW were outside! after being in the MTC for a couple of weeks, every time you get the opportunity to go outside it's like you're getting to know a whole new world. So you just want to go see everything! They were really excited! It reminded me of when I was there because I was acting the exact same way. At the end of the day with them we were able to teach a new family. We taught them the Restoration. There names are Mirleydis, Jairo, and Salomé (Daughter of Mirleydis). It's a little beautiful family. Mirleydis told us that she wants to learn the truth and she wants to receive blessings for her family. Something funny that she told us right off the bat getting to know her is that she's living in free union. We were happy to see that she knows that it's not ok that their not married. Mirleydis came to church this Sunday with her daughter holding her Book of Mormon in her hands. She had a huge smile on her face as we starting walking to the church building. After the lesson these two missionaries walked out with so much energy! They want to get out in the field and start teaching people! It mad me happy to see them so pumped up. They taught this family very well. It was a great experience being with these two young missionaries for their first day in the field.

For P-Day we headed up to Mount. Monserrate. This time we decided to take the stairs. There are two ways to get up the mountain. One way is by the little cart that gives you a ride all the way up and takes you back down, but you have to pay money for that. Second is walking up the never ending stair pathway. So we decided to take the second option. It was really fun, but we were tired after that hike! I felt like Po (the Panda) when he looked up at the stairs leading up to the Kung-Fu Palace. There were also like 4 to 5 year olds going up this thing. I was impressed! Everyone that goes up is huffing and puffing until they reach the top. There is a spiritual side to this. After seeing all the stairs at one time it kind of overwhelmed me, but As I put my head down and focused on each step and started trudging up the mountain I soon found myself halfway to the top. Then in no time I was there. Sometimes we see obstacles in life that look way bigger than we can overcome. But you just gotta put your head down focus up, and start trudging up that mountain, because at some point you're going to reach the top!

Love you all!
Elder Horton

Impressions of Fontana:
1. It rains a lot here (Go figure)
2. Everyone goes to the parks here during the day with their families. (Perfect contacting opportunities!)
3. If you want to buy something from the store and you're in your house and feeling lazy, you can call people that will go and buy what you need and deliver it personally to your house and there's no charge for the delivery. Literally anything! Eggs, milk, oatmeal, candy, etc...

Elder Reque and Elder Alvarado

My comp Elder Moya
Starting our way up the Stairs!

View from Mount Monserrate

View from our house (13th Floor)

The building that we live in